Tag Archive | Interior Design



It´s now three weeks til Christmas and even two more of that until I´m back on my weekly dose of The Vampire Diaries, There´s already been a month since the mid-season break and there´s yet another one to come.

I´d be more than happy for christmas if I were to be told that Rebekah(きれい) was in the series for the long run. I would hate to see her disappear.

And If I´m now to jump onto the subject of me, then I´d have to say that the Japanese studies are moving forward as always. Even better now actually since I´ve dropped an unnecessary course.

“Unnecessary” is quite an overstatement though, Since I´ll have to compensate for the missed ECTS with an extra course this spring within Youth, Sexuality and (I don´t remember the third word>.<).

Anywho, the rest of this evening will be dedicated to decorating my walls with another 16 pictures within the theme of Japan. Which strange as it is, isn´t really that present in my room:S Which now brings the total amount of pictures on my wall up to around 160, Not sure when I´m gonna cross the line between “tightly organized” and just plain messy.

Random fact, My favorite word within the Japanese Language: Tadaima
Until next time, Sayonara.